Thursday, November 02, 2006

I should be doing another thing, but what the heck :D Today it has been a day of doing nothing and yet receiving two thanks. Wow. On other news I've recently made two good bets. Actually three but don't want to shame a friend. Something about someone not being able to do a prodigious task. Though I'll love it to be possible... On a side note, I'm reexamining my conception of who is my friend. I found myself not having the staff high enough. I mean, I shouldn't be labeling them as such, if in my mind I don't care really about them. And in other situations, I'm finding that I shouldn't cover some of them, because they are haven of bad memes I consider harmful. Anyway the real reason I'm writing tonight is simple. The challenge for this month is NaNoWriMo, and I'm in! Good luck to all of us!

I'll neil here ;)


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