For several day I have been learning toki pona. It is pretty cool and easy to learn. My first attempt:
It is supposed to ba a tao-oriented language. That's why I learnt it, anyway. BTW, IRC continues to be amusing. My lojban is growing exponentially... what?
insa utala li lon lawa mi.
mi wile lukin kiwen seme.
mi wile lukin telo seme.
mi wile ala lukin ona meli seme.
ona mute li toki ni: mi wile wawa.
ante sona ale toki.
mi ale wile pona mute tan ni ike
mi ale wile tomo lon sewi.
olin en ona olin e mi
ni li ken ike seme.
It is supposed to ba a tao-oriented language. That's why I learnt it, anyway. BTW, IRC continues to be amusing. My lojban is growing exponentially... what?
It sounds pretty similar to the language of the "Hutts"..:P
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