Friday, February 28, 2003

And the Pollo-Karen mania is growing. I could keep teasing with this to increase my rating, but no. BTW, when I write about this I wasn't writing about Daisy with an alias... I would have called her with a methaphore or just name her, Daisy.

Yesterday I went to visit my aunt Elia's house (that is more like a historical event in my participation with my family), but I went to visit my uncle Pepe who came to visit my grandmother Teo. pe'i my aunt notice my arrival with some surprise until she found that I came to see my uncle, her brother. Some day I will need to talk with her... Another day I will talk about my family and its dynamics (ju'a that aspect of me is almost unkown to my friends). The thing is that I had great moments with him, his family; all treasures of my childhood. Once I will have called him my favorite uncle, now I don't call anything favorite. Don't have favorite/best colour (jeje), number, song, book or friend. Nevertheless I wanted to see him, know what is of his life. The family (this time my mom, aunt Elia, uncle Alfredo, uncle Pepe and me) had a great talk. First of my future, my desire to study a master degree, my viewpoint of AI and then started the religious part. For anyone who doesn't know, I'm atheist and my uncle is Mormon. He was a faithful Catholic for 50 years of his life. So He has more or less the same time of being Mormon as I of being atheist. He worked for the church, not was the esterotypical believer. Even though I would like to talk about the religous content of the talk, I feel that I can't treat the theme until I give more background of my philosophy so wait a little. So I just write this lines because I want to tell you, all of you how proud I am of my uncle Pepe.

So this entry will be mainly of people who in some way I admire. I could talk about great characters of history, but that I will do by request, jaja. How about a nice person who has renown in my work, have a great humour and is really cool? I'm talking about the "inge" Fierros. It feels strang to say admire. But what word to use to someone who has earned your respect and sometimes you see him as a mentor and as a goal. It sound too romantic to my cynic ears, but it's the appropiate word. Maybe some of you will be surprised by reading that I admire someone, but actually I admire many traits in my friends. Fierros is what Julio will call a nerd. Allan may name him a CS guru. I refer to him as "Inge" and hadn't decide in my subconscious to use the "Usted" or "Tu" in normal speech. He is fun, knows a lot, doesn't see the world as an engineer. He is "awake" by Padilla's standards. ru'a from "derecha" camp. So in the techie side he is one of the best, ka'u "In this mega-corporation no person is indispensable without exception; by the way, all of us know that fierros can't be a mortal". But what I find more interesant is obviously his human side. He is one of the few "semi-gods" who actively support CMM, because he thinks software needs to be less heroic driven. In contrast the other "semi-gods", hungry by their known power (knowledge) try to keep it close to their chest.

I could also mention in this entry the name of Fernando Acosta, but that was from another epoch, my second life, my awakening if you believe I could be one.


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