Ok, let's rewind, Friday in the morning I started not feeling so well, as you can read in my posts. I went so far as to ask Jaime for reiki help. I agreed to visit him at 9. However I had another thing to do from 6 to 9. Days ago ivonne and I arranged that we would buy pollo's gift. It was strange how we came to that, I just externed my thought that giving a present to him, was a non-trivial task. That I could use some help.
Anyway, I went all the road to plaza del sol, thinking, I would have a blast!, 'cause I wanted to change were my day was going. And I can say it works as magic, the moment I saw her, wow. Couldn't help myself but to smile. And so the better half of the day started. I meet one of her best friends. Briefly after, I met a guy who's dating that friend. Hence, we started walking around the mall to find something good enough for my friend. Why clothes? After you have given Death to a friend, what else can he wish? That, and the fact that I like to give things that reflect in someway both of the persons in the transaction. Pollo is getting metro, or so the gossip says, jajaja. Returning to the narration, we finally chose a t-shirt. I hope he likes it, I know I do. And yes, if you ask, she spotted it.
The bad thing about being a man, is that when you know you have found the thing, you buy it and the story/store is over. So we had a dilemma, what's next? Ivonne and I joked while the other two chose something, la bodeguita de en medio. It's a good Cuban place. I thought it was a bit fancy for the concept itself. I normally don't go to bars with a chain, you know. However it was a good place to talk. The only bad part of going there was, that I "rudely" had to cancel jaime. I apologize for it. I truly know it cost you :( but I want to say that I did it for I knew it was one of that things one has to do. Anyway, at some point the friend and her guy excused themselves and went to their homes. We continue talking about much and nothing. Then we went for some dogos, it was a bit late, I guess, her mom called worried for her. Pass 2 o'clock she was at her home, safe and happy I believe. At some point in the night I invited her to pollo's party. Didn't thought pollo would mind. And she said yes.
Next day, Saturday, I woke up early. I have come to the good habit of running every Saturday with Ale. I won't let that hobby die :) Yet, when I finished, revised my cell and had a SMS. "Sorry, changed my mind, won't wanna go." Bummer. Reasoned nonetheless, well, that happens. Went to that party joyful. I won't say I would have preferred things to go different, but it was a pretty darn party. Hi'ed a lot of people and the best part I kinda juggled! Oh yeah, I also ate like a pork, but wasn't as good as playing with those rope 'n rice-bags. I need a lot more grace or practice, but I went so far as to do the simple movement ^o)
At the party I had the chance to cohabitate with Roberto a bit, well, a lot. I like him, but I get tired of him a bit fast... He wants to impress so much, you don't have to try that hard, maybe one day I'll tell him. Anyway, my point is that somewhen he started telling me, you know, you are this close [fingers almost touching] to flying, to lost any inhibition. You can do it. And when you achieve it, you'll fly better and above anyone I know. That was a very nice thing to hear from him. He passed on to lecture me, on the easy way to get any woman. I learned a few things though. Thanks Roberto.
3 o'clock and we were closing the place. I was drunk, but had to drive. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but hey, let see how it works. Just be alert, don't drive fast, and you aren't driving better than normal! Voila, I got home safely. I won't learn to do this. I post this bad idea, to remember, got one free ticket.
On a backtracking note, Today I discovered what I mourned Friday, it was the trust in a person =( Years ago, another friend got out of the loop, and I stopped having faith in him. Now, that happened ago, it feels as if that friend is a stranger with a lot of me though. I have to will, to keep the conversation. I just don't feel any kind of attachment to that person. However my mind thinks, you shall give a chance, has been a lot of help, trusts you. You both can be friends again, time heals... And yet don't know what will happen. I hate lies. Hope for the best.